1 しゅうやん 2009/1/19 15:51 異国情緒に心引かれる1枚ですね。小高い丘に立つ建物と海に映ったネオン いい雰囲気ですね。
異国情緒に心引かれる1枚ですね。小高い丘に立つ建物と海に映ったネオン いい雰囲気ですね。
2 Luis Borges Alves 2009/1/19 09:28 Porto city - Portugal
Porto city - Portugal
3 ( ‥) 2009/1/19 12:38 What a beautiful night view!In addition, please show splendid scenery.
What a beautiful night view!In addition, please show splendid scenery.
4 makoto 2009/1/19 20:14 Surface of the water that gives off a golden gleam, purple, empty competing Hare-source .
Surface of the water that gives off a golden gleam, purple, empty competing Hare-source .
5 N R 2009/1/19 20:48 How nice! vivid color and feel silent.Looks like tradisional place. I will want to go.
How nice! vivid color and feel silent.Looks like tradisional place. I will want to go.