1 Maciej 2007/10/16 02:43 Autumn
2 T.M@YOKOHAMA 2007/10/20 20:17 What name is the tree with the yerrow leaves.
What name is the tree with the yerrow leaves.
3 Maciej 2007/10/20 21:26 Quercus petraea (Oak)
Quercus petraea (Oak)
4 masa 2007/10/20 22:09 秋の陽射しを一杯に受け止めたカシの木んも黄葉。好きです。Hi Maciej! Yellow oak leaves represent bright autumn sunshine.I love very much this photo.
秋の陽射しを一杯に受け止めたカシの木んも黄葉。好きです。Hi Maciej! Yellow oak leaves represent bright autumn sunshine.I love very much this photo.
5 ペッタンコ1号 2007/10/21 08:06 きれいな黄色ですね。周りの緑が引き立ててくれていていい感じです。そちらもそろそろ紅葉なんですね。I feel that yellow of the tree is beautiful. The autumn tint started also in Poland?
きれいな黄色ですね。周りの緑が引き立ててくれていていい感じです。そちらもそろそろ紅葉なんですね。I feel that yellow of the tree is beautiful. The autumn tint started also in Poland?