Hi Maciej, My wife asked you that how many day did you use to paint an oil paint? She usually uses 5 months for a work. She commented that the background and trees of both sides create good atmosphere. (Papa)
2010/9/1 23:56
Dear friends ウォルター and SISI_DAD with the wife. I thank for the commentaries Dear wife SISI_DAD, I paint pictures by the spatula. Painting is faster. I would want to see your pictures, send my mail: putto_mt@onet.eu Greetings with Poland
Thank you Maciej, My wife and I gave up the blue sky view. Instead of it, she is painting "good-smelling mushroom". http://photoxp.daifukuya.com/exec/pentax/79006 Her group has a plan of an art exhibition. I will take a picture and will post it on here.