メーカー名 SONY
機種名 α700
ソフトウェア Picasa 3.0
レンズ AF75-300mm F4.5-5.6/SIGMA 70-300mm F4-5.6
焦点距離 160mm
露出制御モード 絞り優先
シャッタースピード 1/640sec.
絞り値 F6.3
露出補正値 -0.7
測光モード 分割測光
ISO感度 800
フラッシュ なし
サイズ 4272x2848 (3,647KB)
撮影日時 2010-12-05 15:55:57 +0900

1   バリオパパUK   2010/12/16 09:20



Hello. My name is Ken Oka.
Hello. My name is Bill Brown.

This is a park.
Is this a church?
Yes, it is.
Is this a church too?
Yes, it is. It's a church.

Is this a hotel?
No, it isn't. It's a store.

This is a lake.
It's pretty large!

These are sheeps.
Wow, they look so tiny!

These are lots of tall trees.
Yes, they are quite tall.

It's a bit foggy, isn't it?
I know, it's foggy, and it's nice, I like it.
Yeah, I like it too.

This is a rural landscape in Southern England.
I took this picture from the top of a hill in Somerset.


2   バリオパパUK   2010/12/16 09:23

あれ、These are lots of tall trees.になってる。
There are...の誤りですね。
