1 Maciej 2010/11/16 22:19 Birches in winter, my picture oil
Birches in winter, my picture oil
2 シャドー 2010/11/17 21:13 赤く染まった木が季節感を表現し、うねった渓流も画面に奥行きが出ていいと思います。透明感のある渓流と赤く染まった木がお気に入りです。
3 hide5050 2010/11/18 14:02 Maciej hello! Trunks of the white birch in the first snow of the year may fit well. It is the photograph of the early winter when it stays, and the colored leaves are still wonderful. In addition, I look forward to wonderful oil painting.
Maciej hello! Trunks of the white birch in the first snow of the year may fit well. It is the photograph of the early winter when it stays, and the colored leaves are still wonderful. In addition, I look forward to wonderful oil painting.
4 SISI_DAD 2010/11/28 00:22 だけかんば(?)の木々が美しく描かれていてすてきですね。わたしもそういう風に描きたいです。が技術がなくいまだえがけません。この写真の風景いいなーと思っても絵画にはなかなかできません。難しいです。