Hi Maciej, Are they natural? Or amberoid? How much size is it?
2008/1/28 21:22
琥珀は松などの樹脂が化石化したものですが、ポーランド北部を含むバルト海沿岸地方はその有名な産地だそうです。 数千万年前の昆虫や植物の種が閉じ込められていることもあり、私にとって興味深々の工芸品です。 I like amgers very much because they sometimes contain insects tens of thousands years ago.
琥珀がたくさんありますね。光が当たって部分的に輝いているのがいい感じです。 There is a lot of ambers. It is beautiful hitting light and shining partially.
2008/1/29 02:15
In Poland is a great deal amber.In the shops it is possible to buy lamps, jewelry, or natural. This with owady a great deal costs.It is possible to seek above the Baltic, along gall.This on the picture this only little pieces amber in the middle.This is a lamp, I made photo in the cafe.Is lamp from the true the amber.I will make photography and I will show picture. This lamp from the natural amber: http://amberlamp.com.pl/amberlamp/bursztyn/veneto.php http://www.amberlamp.pl/01.htm
2008/1/29 02:26
Masa: Press in English language: http://www.amberjewelry.com.pl/pl/ Amber with insect prehistory it is possible still to buy for 100 dolars.