Mr Maciej Thank you for Maciej comment! ... which it was a shameful talk, but there are not a photograph or the thing that I watched it on TV, and I who lived in Japan began to visit the fact that Mt. Fuji in itself turned red in the time of colored leaves and knew! ウォルターさんコメント有難う御座います! これは、ドーム船から撮ったもので、山中湖の湖上から撮影したものです! 釣果の方は、聞かないで下さい・・・ 朝のうちは、良かったのですが・・・お客さんをどんどん詰め込まれまして、お祭り騒ぎの連続でした・・・ いけnet さん 写好さんコメント有難う御座います! 私も、紅葉待つ盛りの時期に、富士五湖を訪れたのは、初めてでして・・・ワカサギ釣りに、もし天気がよければ・・・と思い、カメラを持参してよかったです!
Thank you for Maciej comment! ... which it was a shameful talk, but there are not a photograph or the thing that I watched it on TV, and I who lived in Japan began to visit the fact that Mt. Fuji in itself turned red in the time of colored leaves and knew!